Now I am dreaming about cake. I came up with an idea for my perfect
Charm City Cake in my dreams last night, and wanted to share it with the world. It has 3 wonky, crocked, Dr. Suess-like layers. They are all mosaiced with vintage broken plates like my
mailboxes. The bottom layer has blue plates, the middle turquoise, and the top layer is limey green. The top has
Duff's signature wire hangers with broken plate pendants hanging from them. Sigh. Maybe someday I will open a recycled jewelry shop and I can have a cake like this for the grand opening.
Hey! I think I photographed that top cake a few years back.... that hasty black backdrop seems oh so familiar. I think my cake is still up on their site- The Maltese. Shitty picture though, since my wedding photographer SUCKED- oh the irony....
BTW- thanks for tagging me!
I love the first one!
How do you buy one of these cakes? Thanks so much!
Just vist Charmcitycakes.com to find out how to contact them - I believe they ship if you are not local, but I am not positive.
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