Besides buying a couple of cool plates at Ikea, fixing my display boxes, and designing a stamp, I have attempted to not do much in the way of "work." On Friday, I attempted to make a veggie garden, Martha Stewart, watch out! Saturday, Jason took me to a maternity store to play "What not to Wear," I failed miserably, and left with nothing. We went to a Hypnosis show that night, not sure if I believed it, but I wanted to. Sunday we went to Annapolis to be tourists. We ate at a restaurant that had decorative plates as a border on the wall, I almost stole one. Later we took a boat tour of lighthouses in the in Chesapeake Bay. We ended up at a cookout with the three things I wanted; cheeseburgers, cheese curls, and brownies. Yum. Today I did groceries. Now I am bored. That about covers it. Can't wait to work again!
Wow! What a difference a year makes with those roses!!:> Gorgeous!!
There are actually twice as many today!
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